
A personal diary of 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

The new master bath

While I was gone to Charleston Red Dog finished all the dry wall and painted the master bath. It is really looking good. Today he is putting down the tile. Yah

Crissy learns to sew

I spent Wednesday with Crissy teaching her how to sew. I had made up a vocabulary list for her and we went through basics and then on to a few extras such as darts, pleats, and zippers. Her first project was a rice bag to heat in the microwave to put on your tummy or neck. Once she was done with that she was on a roll and we did a Walmart run to find a pattern and some fabric. We had so much fun picking out patterns and fabric. She settled on a skirt pattern and brown corduroy with blue flowers. She got some extra sewing tools, such as pins,pin magnet and a tape measure.
We started cutting out the skirt about 130 and had it done by 400 that afternoon. Crissy put in a zipper all by herself, I was very proud of her. What a fun day and then we had homemade rueban sandwiches for supper. Yummy.

Hot water bottles

I got on a hot water bottle kick and made covers for three bottles. The grey knitted one is for Stephanie, the green knitted one is for Kathy and the leopard fleece one is for Di. I really had fun doing this project hope they enjoy them.

Mom's Dr. visit

We didn't receive very good news at the specialist. Mom is having problems with her kidneys and is not able to get any pain medicine to help her with her arthritis. The doctor also said we need to find a nursing home or assisted living for mom, but we are not ready to do that just yet. The appointment was a real eye opener for Steph and me. I think Mom knows what shape she is in, we just dont want her to get old.
But Stephanie and I did have fun when we went back to her house that night. She had gotten a small lap top for Christmas and we loaded pictures to Shutterfly and made a little book of Abby helping Grandpa with the chores. We were having so much fun we stayed up to 1130 and didnt even notice the time. I cant wait to see the book.

Visit North continued

On Sunday I went to see Mom for a short visit and Clayton,Cara, and Bella came over to see us. It was a great visit with Bella being really cute. She showed Grammy how to make a banana out of string cheese and Cara and Bella made me a wallhanging. Bella cut out all the shapes and Cara sewed it up. I am so pleased with it. Clayton ran to the store for Gma Martha and while he was out he stopped at Rural King and bought pig ears for Koda. Yah I know Koda will be pleased.
Then I went out to Stephanie's house to spend the night.

Visit North

I had planned a visit north to take my mom to the specialist in Champaign,Il when the weather looked like it was going to get worse so I took off a day early on Saturday and spent the day with Kathy and Crissy. I took some baby stuff for the girls that I had been working on and they were very pleased with the projects. They have started a tote to keep all the baby's things in. The yoyo monkey was a big success.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

company is coming

up at 5 this morning starting to clean the house,cause I quilted all day yesterday. Our friends Sonny and Di are coming today for a visit. We are making deep dish pizza for supper so it should be a fun evening. Pictures to follow. LOL.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Missy's quilt

Well I got a good start on Missys quilt this morning and I stopped to make pizza dough. Our friends Sonny and Di are coming to visit us and we promised them RedDog's famous homemade deep dish pizza. Sometime today I need to dust and sweep the house, but I just cant get very interested in doing that yet. Maybe I can squeeze in another hour of quilting.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The perfect rueban sandwich

We made corned beef and cabbage for new years day. So tonight RedDog made rueban sandwich with pumpernickel bread he bought at the bakery. The sandwich was super deluxe wonderful.


I cut blocks for Missy to make some rag quilts. I think she will have fun working on these.

Went shopping today and found some yummy fabrics to start a new quilt. Tomorrow I plan on putting borders on Missy's kaleidoscope
quilt and putting it in the quilt frame to quilt.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New sweater project

I bought the yarn holder in Maryland when we were visiting Charlie and Jo at Knoxtoberfest. I spent a Tuesday morning with the knitters at The knitters nest in Eldersburg, Maryland.

Bella's sweater

What to work on first

I have been knitting a sweater for Bella and decided to make her a scarf to go with the sweater. The only problem is I dont like this yarn knit into a scarf. I have tried four patterns already and been on ravelry for hours hunting for the perfect patter. Yuk So I have decided to scrap the idea of a scarf for now and started another sweater in purple. Very pretty. I also need to get to the store to find fabric to finish Missy's quilt I brought home at Christmas.